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Administrative science in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-08-07Updated:2024-08-07
Similar words: administrative staffadministrativeadministrativelyadministrative lawadministrative districtadministrative bodyadministrative costadministrative operation
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1 The Debates in the WesternPublicAdministration: Administrative Science or Political Philosophy?
2 The main development of educational administrative science is the development of subject, academic research and idea.
3 For example the BPR theory of advance administrative science should be applied to establishment of administrative system according to the laws of market economy and higher education.
4 PEST in the field of administrative science is used to analyze the influence on cyber media exerted by politics, economics,[] society and technology when it refers to general environment of cyber media.
5 Reflect the course knowledge of this job, have administrative science already, have administrative art again.
6 Marketing Strategy Management is an administrative science combining wide practicality and high complication.
7 Beginning with the basic conception of DHE, the author applies the basic theories of pedagogy and administrative science to make a further discussion on the problems of the mode of DHE in China.
8 In accompany with the formation and development of environmental science to form a branch of strong and scientifically and practically administrative science.
9 The government in living world differs from the one in world of administrative science, which is a question not explored before.
10 How to govern public affairs? It has always been one of the focuses of political and administrative science all through the ages.
11 The practice of scientific administration and the transformation of the administrative science have promoted the development of the industrial and commercial administrative education.
More similar words: administrative staffadministrativeadministrativelyadministrative lawadministrative districtadministrative bodyadministrative costadministrative operationadministrative boardadministrative actionadministrative appealadministrative officialadministrative hearingadministrative overheadadministrative divisionadministration centeradministrationco-administrationmaladministrationbush administrationadministration costadministrateadministratorclinton administrationgeneral administrationcognitive scienceadministratorsmaritime administrationpersonnel administrationbusiness administration
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